Step by Step:
As there is dependencies issue in linux software installation. Yum is an application which resolves the dependencies issue. Let start to configure local yum.
1. We required FTP server to configure yum locally or we can configure the same (local) server as FTP server. Following is the local server configuration.
2. Start vsftpd service and anonymous access should allow on this FTP server.
3. Copy RedHat DVD at “/var/ftp/pub” directory.
#cp –r /media/RHEL* /var/ftp/pub
4. Create repodata and repomod.xml
5. To create these files we required to install the following software.
#rpm –ivh createrepo.rpm
6. Now enter following command to create repodata and repomod.xml
#create repo –v /var/ftp/pub
7. As the creation process complete, go in yum configuration file.
#vim /etc/yum.conf
8. Write the following lines at the end of this configuration file.
baseurl= (your machine ip)
9. Write and quit from file. Now the local yum is ready. Now we can install software through yum which work properly now like
#yum install httpd
It will work and install the required software.
10. To check yum logs.
#cat /var/log/yum.log
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